Friday, September 9, 2011


With movement comes shifting spaces, such occurs when the wind blows the leaves revealing small pockets of blue sky.  Translating this idea into a study on transparency, I took the sky spaces and created a composition.  These openings would become planting areas within my retaining wall enabling the natural habitat to move through the form. These openings would also become window-like units that would allow visitors to see and move through the rear form and landscape to the front.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie!

    All of these are great blog posts....I will respond to them one at a time.....and maybe we could talk sometime next week? You should keep going, this current work is much more in line with your thesis intent and is gathering strength through the ideas translating from earlier work. You are starting to come full circle - which is very exciting!

    In regards to this transparency post...I like the idea of the concrete form, where would these 4x6 pieces go in the site plan? What is the depth/height of the final block? Does the height allow for seating, stepping on, playing? I'm curious about where the edges erodes and is open....How does this "block" fit or connect to the site/landscape/immediate context?

    Develop this more, this is interesting!
