Monday, April 4, 2011

Study of Movement: Rudolf von Laban


1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie!

    We read through your paper - it looks like good progress, augmented quite significantly we would say! Looking at specific examples helped your argument a lot. Your drawings and diagrams make things much clearer - they show us what you understand and what you think is important..

    We are convinced that the diagrams, as reflection of the evolution of your ideas, will change and become more layered and nuanced as your process moves forward. Your paper will continue to change as you research more - I think you will find that this becomes a working document that will help to bind your thoughts together each time you visit it.


    In the meantime, there are two ways to move forward from our point of view for this week's work:

    1. Revisit the thesis statement this week, given your fresh attempt to state more clearly what you mean.

    2. Apply your new knowledge to your design project: the site, the program, your initial form generating concepts.

    Take another pass at design. Aim for a mini design charrette to apply some of the ideas into your design work. Work hard at it until Monday and then integrate this new testing/sketch problem into your proposal.

    What do you think? We are available to discuss more, just let us know....
    Keep up the great work Angie, you are doing great!

    Denise and Mike
