Monday, April 4, 2011

Practice Diagram

1 comment:

  1. Hi Angie!

    Thanks for sharing your work in process.....[being brave, are you?]

    We see you are having fun and are not stuck! This is excellent progress.....We appreciate how the first two pages of your diagrams lead us carefully through the important decisions of your process.

    One thing that we am curious about is the section - the site section - how these forms relate to the specific land form/topography that you have selected to work on. And then also, at a habitable scale -- how these little rooms, stack and nestle together in relationship to one another - what is that section like? Is there a possibility that they break down in some places -- open up to one another, become/transition ...[gently]...allow the form to breathe/morph/change in response to either the context of the site or each other?

    We think that as you move forward to next iterations of developing, another moment that might be useful to think not of singular enclosed spaces but also the transition moments - the spaces inbetween the layers or distinct spaces.....

    KEEP PLAYING - you are doing really well!

    Denise and Mike
